Dało radę, chyba to:
From a quick look at a saved adaptation map of Central Electronics (09), there do appear to be a few settings:
(1)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_1_Sitz 25%
(2)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_1_Lehne 30%
(3)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_2_Sitz 25%
(4)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_2_Lehne 30%
(5)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_3_Sitz 53%
(6)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_3_Lehne 58%
(7)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_4_Sitz 53%
(8)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_4_Lehne 58%
(9)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_5_Sitz 80%
(10)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_5_Lehne 85%
(11)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_6_Sitz 80%
(12)-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_6_Lehne 85%